Posted by: ryanpmcbride | May 20, 2009

Leaving Soon

So I finally nailed down my start date. Like many a politician on the west coast, I’ll be taking the red-eye to DCA. The red-eye really isn’t a bad way to fly if you have to be somewhere – it’s pretty easy to sleep on the flight.

Anyhow, I officially start on June 1st. Just in time to get back to wearing suits in sweltering hot weather. In many respects, the DC summers are worse than Vegas summers because of the 110% humidity. Sometimes it’s just easier to swim to work in DC.

I’m excited to get down to business. It was certainly refreshing to have some downtime, but I get a bit restless without some sort of direction.

I have my free time pretty much sorted out – seeing old coworkers and friends, heading to one of the nicest rock climbing gyms in the country, and going to see some Nationals games – who knows, they might even win one. That would certainly be something to see. Unfortunately, I think I’m leaving my bike here but that remains to be seen.

However, there probably won’t be a whole ton of free time – work should be fairly taxing, in a good way. I definitely got used to working some long hours back when I was working for Congressman Jon Porter. However, we do get the 4th of July recess as well as the August recess, so it shouldn’t be too overwhelming. The Hill is a pretty fast-paced, high-stress environment and you need all the downtime you can get. As I’ve mentioned before, I can’t share any details about my everyday work due to privacy concerns, but if I can clear anything through our communications director you’ll see it here first.

Well, for now, I need to get back to packing. Heading back to California this weekend for my brother’s graduation from the University of Redlands (congrats bro), and then I’m taking the quiet red-eye out to the Nation’s Capital. I can’t wait.

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